Minister of Health launches the national campaign
1432/5/8 |
Minister Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah will launch the national campaign against tooth decay organized ... more
Dr. Nasser I. M. Altweam President of Saudi Manage
1432/2/16 |
Dr. Nasser Altweam has been reelected by the members of the Board of the Saudi Management Association to supervise the Association ... more
Prof. Yousef Fouad Talic appointed deputy
1432/2/16 |
The administration welcomes the decision appointing Prof. Yousef Fouad Talic ... more
The Administration of International Cooperation &
1432/2/16 |
The Saudi Dental Society held its elections for the Board on Tuesday 25, Safar 1431. ... more
Dr. Ahmad Alghadiar appointed Supervisor of the ad
1432/2/16 |
His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al-Othman issued his order appointing ... more
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