News management review with you which occur on a regular basis

Minister of Health launches the national campaign  
Minister Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah will launch the national campaign against tooth decay organized  ... more
Dr. Nasser I. M. Altweam President of Saudi Manage 
Dr. Nasser Altweam has been reelected by the members of the Board of the Saudi Management Association to supervise the Association ... more
Prof. Yousef Fouad Talic appointed deputy 
The administration welcomes the decision appointing Prof. Yousef Fouad Talic  ... more
The Administration of International Cooperation &  
The Saudi Dental Society held its elections for the Board on Tuesday 25, Safar 1431. ... more
Dr. Ahmad Alghadiar appointed Supervisor of the ad 
His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al-Othman issued his order appointing  ... more
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