Is displayed all that is new from Alfayat, and is updated periodically

1438/1/24 - 1438/1/24
8/3/1438هـ - 9/3/1438هـ
1438/2/8 - 1438/2/10
PD forum 28-29 october2016 
2016/10/28 - 2016/10/29
1438/2/1 - 1438/2/1
1438/1/24 - 1438/1/24
1438/1/4 - 1438/1/4
1438/1/2 - 1438/1/2
بمناسبة اليوم الدولي للحد من الكوارث، فإن قسم الكيمياء بكلية العلوم  
13/10/2016 - 13/10/2016
1434/6/3 - 1434/6/7
The Department of international cooperation and scientific societies Second Meeting of Scientific Societies at King Saud University under the auspices of a. D. Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman Othman, Rector of King Saud University  
1433/2/8 - 1433/2/10
Department of International Cooperation and Scientific Societies organized the first forum of scientific societies at King Saud University 
1432/2/6 - 1432/2/7
the socity held The thirteenth scientific meeting under the title of the Arabian Peninsula: the history and civilization 
1432/1/20 - 1432/1/20
The Geographic Society organized a panel discussion entitled (the experience of harvesting rainwater) 
1431/11/11 - 1431/11/11
The Saudi Geographical Society organized a panel discussion entitled (the experience of harvesting rainwater) will lecture by Dr. King Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman Al-Sheikh    more
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